View Insights by Cateogry
Innovations and Strategic Applications in the Psychology of Fraud
Fraud is a crime of relationships. It involves dishonesty, deception, betrayals of trust and abuses of power. This article elaborates the complex psychodynamics in fraud matters and delineates psychologically sophisticated tools for actionably leveraging psychodynamic intelligence.
Imposters Are Everywhere: How To Avoid Being Duped
Master-imposters are virtuoso liars. It's hard to see the truth about who they are before getting duped. But potential victims aren’t defenseless. Here's what you need to know.
“Epic CEO fails: From chronically poor judgment to disguised malice”
We are confounded by CEOs who seem hell-bent on acting (or have already acted) against their interest: what causes these situations? Are they ever preventable? And perhaps most importantly to practitioners, what can be done to contain the damage or put the train back on track?
Everyone is a Fraudster
A response to a reader’s comment to a blog post authored with Martin Kenney on the idea that Everyone is a Fraudster.

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