Practice Areas
Fraud, Corruption + Financial Crime Advisory Services
Areas of Focus
Fraud + Corruption Overview
Fraud, corruption, white-collar malfeasance, executive misconduct. No two incidents are identical. But the common denominator is malicious human behavior—deception, psychological manipulation, breaches of trust and abuses of power.
Leveraging expertise in nefarious and deceptive human thought and behavior to provide solutions in situations involving serious fraud and grand corruption, as well as corporate misconduct and malfeasance.
Decoding human behavior to forecast imminent malicious action and open a third dimension on case management, strategy and prosecution
Cutting-edge psychological tools to assist in the fight to bring fraudsters and other corrupt actors to justice, dismantle nefarious organizations and recover victims’ losses
Serious Fraud + Grand Corruption. We partner with fraud-fighting and anti-corruption professionals to assist in dismantling nefarious organizations and bringing fraudsters and other corrupt actors to justice, and in locating and recovering victims’ economic losses in large-value multi-jurisdictional fraud, corruption and kleptocracy matters.
Corporate Misconduct. We deliver specialized advisory services in institutional settings to help leaders and corporate counsel proactively mitigate misconduct risks and to design and deploy psychologically sophisticated defense and response solutions to white-collar and organizational malfeasance.
To discuss how we can help, contact us at info[at]dolusadvisors.com
Related Insights
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