Humans + Technology
Areas of Focus
Malicious incident risks are often considered technology problems to be solved technically, and the human element in cybersecurity simplistically categorized as a bad actor, a weak link, or an agent of prevention and repair.
Our approach to cybersecurity delivers critical differentiators from conventional perspectives and methods.
We provide cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions grounded in deep expertise in social and behavioral science, and pivot on understanding that cybersecurity is a human issue that involves technology, not the other way around.

“My organization engaged Dr Stein as the Chief Human Factor Architect to create a next-generation security awareness program in collaboration with members of Accenture’s Organizational Change and Technology Consulting areas. He innovated a new approach, devising and implementing critical differentiators from conventional cybersecurity awareness education and training, and he helped develop novel approaches and solutions for understanding, diagnosing and teaching Info-Sec issues with specific focus on social engineering tactics. The program was a great success and Dr Stein’s contributions were invaluable to our understanding of the complex human dynamics in Cybersecurity.”
Gopal Padinjaruveetil, Chief Information Security Officer
Auto Club Group
We advise executives, boards, CROs and CISOs in developing and installing psycho-socially sophisticated detection, mitigation, and defense solutions, leading to stronger protections and reduced insider threat and social engineering incidents.
From customized foundational blueprint to pilot program through enterprise-wide roll-out and follow-up, we have a proven track-record of helping organizations successfully boost preparedness, enhance awareness and response, and fortify human firewall and human perimeter vulnerabilities.
A key feature of our work involves helping organizations architect and implement practical and sustainable enterprise-wide behavior and decision-making changes to instill a holistic cybersecure mindset and culture, not just a fortified security posture.
To discuss how we can help, contact us at info[at]dolusadvisors.com